Centimeters to Feet Conversion

by Uniscoblog

Cm to Feet Converter


Feet to Centimeters >>

What is cm?

A centimeter is a metric unit of measurement that is used to determine the length of an object.
The centimeter is written as cm. cm is the symbol of the centimeter.

What is feet?

Foot is a unit of length that is used in a variety of systems, such as English, Imperial, and customary units in the United States.

Its size varies depending on the system, but it is typically a quarter to a third of a meter in length. The universal foot is the most often utilized foot nowadays.

What is the formula for converting centimeters to feet?

In 1 feet, there are 30.48 centimeters. To convert cm to ft, multiply the number of centimeters by 30.48. Multiply your foot figure by 30.48 to convert to cm.

How many feet in 1 centimeter

1 cm = 0.0328084 ft

How many centimeter in 1 feet

1 ft = 30.48 cm

Equation: feet = centimeter * 0.032808

Example. Convert 33 centimeter to feet

feet = centimeter x 0.032808
= 33 x 0.032808
= 1.082664

Centimeters to feet conversion table

Centimeter Feet
1 0.032808
2 0.065617
3 0.098425
4 0.131234
5 0.164042
6 0.196850
7 0.229659
8 0.262467
9 0.295276
10 0.328084

Feet to Centimeters >>


See also other

feet to cm

inches to feet

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